- CDBurner XP (32-bit) - does not recognize CD Drive
- DVDXcopy - install fails while installing the patin coufin component.
- Nero - 6.x versions. (7.x versions works in 32 and 64 bits)
- Padus DiscJuggler Professional v4.60.1214 (64-bit) - Installs but receive ASPI error when opening program
- Slysoft AnyDVD v6.0.8.5 (64-bit) - it installs but at the end it says that it's trying to install an unsigned driver. Program won't start and it uninstalls my dvd-rom drive and my virtual drives. They won't reinstall until anydvd is uninstalled.
- Slysoft CloneDVD v2.9.0.1 (64-bit) - it installs but at the end it says that it's trying to install an unsigned driver. Program won't start and it uninstalls my dvd-rom drive and my virtual drives. They won't reinstall until Clonedvd is uninstalled.
- WinISO v5.3.0.125
Software that runs on Vista